Day 1: The Starters

Music for me is any melodious sound that can please the ear and enlighten the heart.. I have been listening to music for many years now.. Infact everyone of us have.. So finally I thought that it is high time I start creating music.. and what better could I think of other than a Guitar...
A guitar is basically a 6-string instrument that is capable of producing polyphonic sounds !!! Blah Blah Blah ...
Yeah yeah.. i know that.. but from where do I start... Should I buy a guitar first.. or should I join a class first.. or should I save some money and learn it from the net.. or learn it from a friend.... all sorts of questions started surrounding my main motive... Playing the Guitar...
And so finally, the search began...
I went through a few websites and realized that although there are a few sites that can teach you the basics very efficiently.. but there should be someone who can guide you properly and could clear all your doubts.. and I started searching for a professional guitar trainer...
I am glad now that I finally found one today.. and from tomorrow my class.. infact.. my dream.. begins...

Moral: If you are new to playing guitar just like me... try to find a trainer first.. Once you do that.. 50 % of your dream is fulfilled... ;)


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